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Golemio Data Platform Output Gateway

The Output Gateway is an integral part of the Golemio data platform system, serving as a unified REST API for accessing data stored within the Golemio data platform.

This implementation utilizes the Express server and incorporates caching mechanisms powered by Redis.

For comprehensive documentation, please visit: Golemio Output Gateway Documentation

Refer to the API documentation at:

Developed by http://operatorict.cz

Docker instalation


Instalation & run

  1. Build docker image by docker build -t output-gateway .
  2. Setup ENV variables by .env file or add -e VAR=VALUE to docker run. Env variables are described in .env.template.
  3. Run container by
docker run --rm \
-p 3004:3004 \ # expose port 3004
-e PORT=3004 \
-e POSTGRES_CONN: postgres://user:pass@postgres.dp_database/dataplatform \
output-gateway # docker image label (defined by step 1)

Local Installation



Install all prerequisites

Install all dependencies using command:

npm install

from the application's root directory.

Build & Run


To compile typescript code into js one-time (production build):

npm run build

To run the app:

npm run start


Run via TypeScript (in this case it is not needed to build separately, application will watch for changes and restart on save):

npm run dev-start

or run with a debugger:

npm run dev-start-debug

Runing the application in any way will load all config variables from environment variables or the .env file. To run, set all environment variables from the .env.template file, or copy the .env.template file into new .env file in root directory and set variables there.

Project uses dotenv package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv

Application is now running locally on port 3004 or on port specified in the environment variable.

Importing example data

Example data are stored in db/example/.

For importing example data run psql -h $POSTGRES_HOST -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB -f db/example/sql_dump.sql.


To run all test defined in /test directory simply run this command:

npm run test

from the application's root directory. All tests should pass with the correct data. Test data are in the db/example directory.


Logging uses pino for standard logging with levels, pino-http for http access logs and debug (https://www.npmjs.com/package/debug) for debugging.

All logs with silly and debug level are printed as standard log (if appropriate log level is set) using pino as well as using debug module with "data-platform:output-gateway" settings.

You can set both LOG_LEVEL and DEBUG settings in ENV variables.


For generating documentation run npm run generate-docs. Typedoc source code documentation is located in docs/typedoc.

More documentation in docs/. If you want to add a new dataset or create new API routes, check out our existing modules.

API specification

The REST API specifications are located within each module's openapi.yaml or openapi-output.yaml file. You can find an illustrative example in the Parkings module.

To generate the API documentation, execute the command npm run build-apidocs for all modules or npm run build-apidocs-public for modules with endpoints containing Open Data, intended for public use. The documentation will be generated in the docs/generated directory.

Contribution guidelines

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md.


Contact benak@operatorict.cz or vycpalek@operatorict.cz

Generated using TypeDoc